Redemptorist Formatee gathering in Liguori Province, India


The Formatees Gathering is one of the unique programmes of the Liguori Province, Kerala, India, in which all the students of the province and young priests used to participate. It is an occasion for us to come together and share the spirit of brotherhood and togetherness. This year, the Formatees Gathering of the Liguori Province took place from May 24th to 29th at St. Clements Study House, Vadavathoor, Kerala, India. 

Rev. Fr. Biju Madathikunnel, Provincial superior of the Liguori Province, inaugurated the gathering. The days of the meeting were enriched with multiple programmes, like the final profession of five of our brothers, the jubilee celebration of the three of our confreres and felicitation to the newly ordained. There were also organized classes, games, training programmes etc. The whole programme was concluded by the solemn Eucharistic celebration on the 29th morning.