Redemptorists of Bogotá Province have finished their XIX Chapter


The Assembly of 28 delegates to the XIX Provincial Chapter of the Redemptorists Province of Bogotá took place in Villa Marianella in Fusagasugá, Colombia from June 20 to 24. This 2. session of the XIX Provincial Chapter marked important moment in the history of the Province, which is participating in the congregation wide restructuring process that leads to reshaping the administrative structure of the Congregation in the view of its apostolic mission to the contemporary world.

Message of the XIX Provincial Chapter
– the second session to the Province of Bogotá

“Witnesses to the Redeemer, in solidarity for the mission in a wounded world”.

Dear confreres, seminarians and lay Redemptorists, receive a fraternal greetings from all the gathered at the Chapter.

In the house of Villa Marianella, gathered under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we, the 28 capitulants representing all the works and structures of the Province of Bogotá, are meeting for the second session of the XIX Provincial Chapter, which marks the end of an important stage in our provincial history.

On the horizon of restructuring, we find ourselves in the final stage of our history as Province of Bogotá, to give way to the creation of this new Unity which will allow us to cross the national frontiers and to widen our tents in the building of the Kingdom of God. We express our gratitude to those who have been the architects of this fruitful history of the Province of Bogotá. Now the Spirit urges us with joyful hope to form unity in the diversity and cultural richness of our peoples.

The presence of two lay people representing all those who share with us in the apostolate gives us the certainty of the importance of working together, orienting our actions towards the achievement of the very objective of the Gospel: to be brothers and to create fraternal communities that follow Christ the Redeemer in partnership in mission.

The reports presented give an account of the vitality of the pastoral activities of the Province, of the efforts made by each community and congregation to be a light in the midst of the darkness of our times. The works are being strengthened and ways are constantly being sought to enable us to continue to move forward with certain assurances of sustainability and well-being.

We encourage all of us to continue to face with joy the challenges presented to us by the wounded world, to be a prophetic voice that denounces social injustices, actions against human dignity, and to announce the Good News of the Gospel that transforms the life of each one and shapes new societies. May our faith, hope and charity remain firm and strengthened in the experience of the Risen Lord who gives us the grace to heal the wounds of the world.

We invite you to live and witness to the Redemptorist charism and to motivate many young people by prayer and witness to be the new missionaries in this branch of the Congregation.

We thank the communities for their contributions to this Chapter session and for their prayerful support during these days.

We open ourselves to the action of the Holy Spirit who gives us his light and grace so that, under the principle of creative responsibility, we may take up the challenges that the history of the community is presenting to us.

May the presence of Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, guide us with her gaze; may Redemptorist saints, blessed and martyrs continue to inspire us in our missionary being and zeal.

United by the love of the Redeemer,
participants of the Provincial Chapter