Bolivia: Redemptorist Youth Gathering


With the presence of over 100 youths, the Redemptorist Vocational Youth Gathering was held in Shinahota – Cochabamba, from Monday 11 to Friday 15 July.

Several delegations from youth pastoral work, young catechists and altar boys working in their parishes participated. Among them were youth from Oruro, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tupiza, Tarija and Vallegrande.

After difficult times because of the pandemic, the youths met again in the presence to share their experiences and pastoral work in their parishes, without ignoring prayer, the celebration of the Eucharist, and spiritual formation, which was based on the topic of the live of the Redemptorist Saints and Blesseds, and the topic of Vocation and Mission.

All together to live, reawaken and renew FAITH, and to have a personal encounter with Jesus, the youths had as their motto for the winter camp “Youths,  you are called to do something great”. The protagonists were the same youths, who showed great willingness to participate in the various activities held during the meeting: prayer, liturgy, confession, reflection topics, dynamics, group work, walks, sports, dances, etc.

In spite of the inclement weather, the youths were not discouraged, they experienced moments of solidarity, and maintained the same positive attitude of living the gathering to  know new experiences with other youths.

The Redemptorist Fathers, organisers of the meeting, Father Juan Carlos Urzagaste and Father Alexis Rearte, accompanied this gathering. Father Wilson Salinas and the religious sisters were also present.

For the closing of the meeting, Father Boris Calzadilla, Provincial Superior of Bolivia, presided over the Eucharist. In his reflection, he recalled who we are as young Redemptorists and what our mission is, inviting youths to always live in a new way and to always experience a personal encounter with Jesus.

Fr. Boris Calzadilla C.Ss.R.