God’s gift always precedes any moral obligation.

Fr. Andrzej S. Wodka, C.Ss.R.

Polish theologian and biblical scholar Fr. Andrzej Stefan Wodka, C.Ss.R., President of the Holy See’s Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of the Quality of Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO) and professor at the Alphonsian Academy, participated in the study seminar on “The theological ethics of life” promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life (October 30th – November 1st 2021). The recent publication of the seminar documents by Libreria Editrice Vaticana has offered the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano an opportunity to interview our confrere. The interview appeared in the July 2nd 2022 issue and subsequently on the newspaper’s website, under the title The moral duty is always preceded by the gift of God.

“I felt very privileged to be able to contribute with my own re-reading of the theme’ Sacred Scripture and Life’ to the seminar – Fr. Wodka recalls his participation in the workshop. I have found strong incentives for a real ‘resurrection’ of our moral discipline here. They are both complex and simple and could be boiled down to a single sentence: ‘You are loved! Therefore you shall love!”.

Read the entire interview on L’Osservatore Romano’s website (Italian)