On fire with zeal – to the youth


(Liguori Province, Kerala, India) Redemptorist Youth Ministry RYM is one of India’s well-appreciated youth ministry teams. The zealous young ministers of Redemptorists Kerala do numerous school and youth retreats under this banner. After the reopening of schools, Redemptorist Youth Ministry has got several opportunities to conduct retreats and seminars in different schools. Still more enquires are on. 

In this high time, we found that some training should be given to young ministers to keep the identity of the Redemptorist Youth Ministry. As a result, we had the organised training program, on 14th of June. Seventeen young ministers attended the meeting at Machiplavu Adimali. 

The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the young ministers, who have just finished their pastoral year, to the Redemptorist Youth Ministry. Rev. Fr. Biju Madathikunnel Provincial of Liguori Province opened the session by showing the changing trends, the approach of youth and our identity. He challenged the group to have an open and wide look at the present conditions. 

In the second session, Rev. Fr. John Kooran, the forerunner of RYM, explained what youth ministry is, what is its purpose and its scope here; he focused on having a different approach than working in a clustered format. 

The third session was by Fr. Biju Kunnumpurath, a veteran of Parish Missions in Kerala, who encouraged the youngsters to be zealous and available for the missions. The session was the outcome of an experienced missionary. Then Fr. Bijo Meparath took the session on creative elements in youth ministry; here, he showed many tricks and techniques that would help the ministers to engage the youngsters with boredom. This session was simply amazing. 

The final session was handled by Fr. Anoop Mundackal, a pioneer of present-day RYM, who explained the anatomy of the present-day Redemptorist Youth Ministry program as a zealous missionary. He encouraged the ministers to be available for this great mission.

Fr. Christy, C.Ss.R 
Director RYM