100 years “With Our Feet Planted on the Ground”


The St. Mary of the Assumption Parish community in Whittier celebrated 100 years of a Redemptorist presence with a Feast of the Assumption Mass and anniversary gathering last weekend.
Special thanks to Fr. Rob Ruhnke for sharing a few photos!
(Denverlink Update, August 19, 2022)

100 years “With Our Feet Planted on the Ground”

“Today we celebrate 100 years of Redemptorist Ministry here at Saint Mary’s in Whittier.
What does it mean to be a Redemptorist Parish? Who is a Redemptorist Missionary? Last year a student transferred into our school from St. Brunos. When I meet with him and his parents, I talked about how St. Mary’s in a Redemptorist Parish whereas St. Bruno’s is a diocesan parish. His father asked, “what is the difference between a Redemptorist Church and a Diocesan Church.” Before I could answer the boy said, “don’t you know? Its obvious. St. Bruno’s has padded benches whereas St. Mary’s has hard benches.”
Well, that may be one difference, but I would like offer to you that there are other differences maybe more important. I would like to take this difference from the feast of Assumption and Mary’s role in the Church.
As I said Mary has a unique role but not a separate one. Her role is to walk together with the people of God.
We Redemptorists have a unique role in the Church as well. We are first and foremost baptized Catholic Christians just like all of you, but we are also consecrated religious and ordained priests and deacons.
There is a difference but for the last 100 years our desire has not been to stand in front of you and say, “we are special and not like you. We will teach you how to follow Jesus.” No, our desire has been to say, “we are like you, and together we will build the kingdom of God.”
The Kingdom that Mary prophesied about in the Gospel for today.
Let us walk together Redemptorists and the people of Saint Mary’s of the Assumption. May we continue to build the kingdom of God here in Whittier.
May all come to know the plentiful Redemption of the Son of the Blessed Mother: Jesus Christ the Most Holy Redeemer.”

Pastor of St. Mary of the Assumption, Whittier, CA father Patrick Keyes CSsR
(from patrickkeyescssr.blogspot.com)