“Compartir”: Reflections on the Redemptorist Novitiate in Argentina

Sacred Heart of Jesus" Novitiate - Argentina.

Following the spirit of the 26th Redemptorist General Chapter and filled with the joyous hope of the Advent season, the “Sacred Heart of Jesus” Novitiate carries the theme “Missionaries of Hope” in the second edition of its magazine “Compartir”.

The articles presented in this issue reflect the Congregation missionary experience, a fundamental characteristic inherited from St. Alphonsus and which, in apostolic practice, is actualised in different realities.

Among other articles, this issue tells a little about the Missionary Vocation of St. Alphonsus, presents the work done with the community of emigrants in the Obligado neighbourhood on the outskirts of Greater Buenos Aires, and also shares the missionary experience of the novices in Campo. Goyano, in the province of Corrientes, Argentina.

As the “Compartir” editors invite readers to participate in their redemptorist world, they also ask to keep them in prayers so that the novices, professing the evangelical counsels, may be persevering and committed heralds of hope, of plentiful Redemption.

Here you can read the full text of the magazine “Compartir” (in Spanish). Enjoy!