Ongoing training for members of the General Government


As a fruit of the conclusions of the XXVIth General Chapter of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, the General Council wanted to take up the challenges that the Chapter set it.

The members of the General Council intend to accompany each of the Units of the Congregation by being brothers to all its members, as the Church wants it to be, when she has called to activate the dynamic of fraternity, without neglecting the responsibility that government generates. This is one of the great gifts that Pope Francis is awakening in the Church: the practice of community discernment as a way of animating and governing that springs from the profound conviction of being brothers, of being called to communion, of having received the same Spirit in Baptism, having become members of one body, a missionary body.

In order to carry out this purpose, the General Government held its ongoing formation on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd of January. This formation is part of the agenda projected in the plan of the constant and ongoing formation of each of the members of this Government throughout the six-year period that has just begun.

A workshop was held on canonical, juridical and legal aspects, which was guided by Fr. José Carlos Linhares CSsR, Procurator General, with a focus on consecrated life and on the new orientations in this area, which Pope Francis has proposed to the Church and to consecrated life in relation to the commitment and safeguarding of a moral life in all aspects and on all questions linked to the care of the people who form part of the mission entrusted to religious and priests, as well as the situations which in the exercise of the work of the General Government must be analysed, assumed and decided.

In this way, the members of the General Council are aware of the mission that the Church and the Congregation have entrusted to them, which is why they have wished to give importance to the restructuring and renewal of the Congregation and to the service to the partners in the different units and communities of the Congregation.

May the Holy Spirit help the Congregation and the members of the General Council to grow in the fullness of their consecration, so that they may be ever credible signs and bearers of God’s love for the Church and for all the members of the Congregation, as missionaries of hope in the footsteps of the Redeemer.

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