Spicilegium Historicum – new issue: 1/2023


(Roma) The new issue of “Spicielgium Historicum Congregationis SSmi Redemptoris”, the first volume published this year, brings as usual several contributions to the history of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

This issue highlights the Foundation negotiations in the diocese of Csanád (Hungary), Elizabeth of the Trinity, and the mission of the Redemptorists in Dijon (March 4-April 2, 1899), John Nepomucen Neumann in Budweis, 1823-1833: Study at Gynmasium at, Institute of Philosophy and Episcopal Priestly Seminary, Blessed Dominik Metod Trčka and the preaching of popular missions: chronology, content and missionary strategies and many more.

The periodical is a publication of the Historical Institute of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

Spicilegium Historicum, 1/2023, authors and articles:

  • Macko Martin, C.Ss.R., Fundationsverhandlungen in der Diözese Csanád (Ungarn).
  • La Mendola Vincenzo, C.Ss.R., Elisabetta della Trinità e la missione dei redentoristi a Digione (4 marzo – 2 aprile 1899).
  • Swoboda Rudolf, John Nepomucen Neumann in Budweis, 1823-1833: Study at Gynmasium at, Institute of Philosophy and Episcopal Priestly Seminary.
  • Macko Martin, C.Ss.R. – Zavadilovà Eva, Jan Chrysostomos Jaroš, C.Ss.R (1909-1985).
  • Mandzák Daniel Atanáz, C.Ss.R., Il beato Dominik Metod Trčka e la predicazione delle missioni popolari: cronologia, contenuti e strategie missionarie.
  • Amarante Alfonso V., C.Ss.R. – Pepe Giovanni, Il Generalato di P. Giuseppe Lordi (Maggio – Dicembre 1854).