Happy Feast of Saint Clement Hofbauer from Indonesia!


“Happy Feast of Saint Clement” – is the greeting we all receive or pass on to one another on our Congregation’s “second founder” feast.

The Community of Saint Clement or San Keme celebrated this day with the people in Mission at Waimamongu. Apart from celebrating the feast of the patron of the community, we also celebrate the feast of the patron of the parish of Saint Clement Hofbauer Katiku Loku.

The Eucharistic celebration was led by the parish priest, Father Laurens Lino Maran and Fr. Willy as preachers. The Eucharist was attended by the faithful at the station and members of the parish pastoral council. After the celebration, the Redemptorist and members of the San Keme community meet together at “gaudeamus”.

Meanwhile, in the Wanno Gaspar Community, the feast of Saint Clement was marked by a Mass for the sending of Fr. Petrus Faber Patimangu to start his ministry in Japan. The Vicar Provincial, Fr. Yanus Dapa Talu, presided over the commissioning Mass.

Confreres, family and a number of friends attended the commissioning Mass. In his message, Fr. Yanus invited all present, especially P. Faber, to emulate the steadfastness of Saint Clement in his life and missionary work.

“Clement was the one who brought the Congregation out of Italy. He carried out an exodus of body and spirit. Fr. Faber also followed the example of Saint Clement in the exodus from Indonesia to Japan. We wish you all the blessing,” he said in his homily.

All the excitement with the event was continued with recreation.

May the spirit of Saint Clement, namely his courage and determination, initiative and creativity in building community life and work, continually inspire us all.

Fr. Willy Ng Pala, CSsR