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Monthly Archives: April 2023

Redemptoristines Host Closing Mass at Monastery

After more than six decades of continuous contemplative prayer in their enclosed monastery in Liguori, the Redemptoristine Nuns are preparing to join...

Poland: Redemptorists involved in children and youth ministry met in Bardo

The annual meeting of Redemptorists involved in pastoral work with children and young people took place in Bardo, Lower Silesia, from 11...

Ecological crisis and the thesis of human exception

by Fr. Martín Carbajo Nuñez, OFM(from the Alphonsian Academy blog) This post asserts that the main cause of the current...

Spain: Time for proclamation and forming missionary disciples

The missionary team CESPLAM (Centro de Estudios y Planificación Misionera) continues its journey through Spain, trying to offer the Redemptorist mission and...

Copenhagen: an anniversary and trilingual mission preaching in St. Anne’s parish

The Redemptorist parish in Copenhagen is celebrating two anniversaries in 2023: 130 years since the first group of Poles arrived in Denmark,...

WYD and Alphonsian Day in Lisbon starts in less than 100...

The Redemptorist Youth and Vocations Ministry is preparing for World Youth Day in Lisbon. With 100 days to go before the start...

Argentina: A crowd on the first Saturday in honour of Perpetual...

Nine Saturday Novenna before the Feast of Mother of Perpetual Help started last Saturday in St Alphonsus church in Salta, Argentina. ...

Find out who the Redemptorist Bishops of Brazil are…

The episcopate is in Aparecida (SP) for the 60th General Assembly of the CNBB The main theme of the...

Bolivia and Peru: on the road to restructuring

From 17 to 21 April, the Units of Bolivia and Peru (North and South) simultaneously held the Regional Assembly in each of...

Icon mission: Make her known to the whole world

Annually, on June 27th, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) and Mary's devotees across the globe observe the solemnity of...