We have known closer Redemptorist lifestyle and mission


A course on the Constitutions and Statutes of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer was held at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Conferential Novitiate in Bella Vista, Argentina, from May 1 to 5, with the Procurator General, Fr. José Carlos Linhares, C.Ss.R.

Exalting the Redemptorist apostolic character, he explained and encouraged us to get to know the lifestyle and mission, awakening a greater sense of belonging to the work of St. Alphonsus, as stated in Constitution No. 2: “All Redemptorists, urged on by the apostolic spirit, and imbued with the zeal of their founder, continue the tradition developed by their confreres in the past, and are ever attentive to the signs of the times. “Sent as helpers, companions and ministers of Jesus Christ in the great work of redemption”.

The novitiate is a propitious time, which aims to make the candidate know the history and live the charism of the Congregation, assimilating its spirit with mind and heart (cf. Const. 86). This formative stage in the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean is divided into three houses, Piedecuesta – Colombia, Tietê – Brazil and Bella Vista – Argentina, the latter composed of thirteen novices.

Afonso Joaquim, Natan Augusto, Vinícius Luís.