Indonesia: The First Vows and New Novices


On the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29th, 2023, the Indonesian Redemptorist Province accepted 48 young people into the bosom of the Congregation. This celebration took place at the Wanno Gaspar Community House.

These young people comprised 22 novices who made their first religious vows for three years. Among them was one who came from a neighbouring country, Timor Leste. He is Miguel Alves.

On the same day, 26 other young postulants expressed their willingness to enter the novitiate for one year. They received their religious habits and the book of Redemptorist Constitutions, the main guide in living their missionary vocation.

The Eucharistic celebration was led by Fr. Jack Umbu Warata CSsR, Provincial superior, who was accompanied by Fr. Marianus Dapa Talu CSsR – novice master, and Fr. David Bayo CSsR- director of postulancy.

“This is a special gift not only for Redemptorists but also a gift for the universal Church,” said P. Jack. In his homily, Father Provincial invited young people to emulate the life and spirit of these two Great Apostles in their entire life as novices and later on as members of the Congregation.

Many confreres from the island of Sumba took part in the celebrations. Apart from postulants’ and novices’ parents, many friends and acquaintances of the redemptorist joined in the joy together.

After recreation and lunch, the neo-professed Redemptorists should be ready to go on vacation with their families. In mid-July, they will leave for Yogyakarta to continue their education at Sanata Dharma University.

Welcome to our Congregation, dear confreres! And to all our new novices, best wishes for the formation in your novitiate community.

Congratulation! We keep all of you in our prayers. 

Fr. Willy Ng Pala CSsR