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Home 2023 June

Monthly Archives: June 2023

Digital natives and Digital immigrants

– From Alphonsian Academy blog – There is a generational gap between people born into the new digital culture...

Meeting of the Shared Mission Commission in Vienna

On Friday, June 9, the Shared Mission Commission of the Conference of Europe met in Vienna, in Maria am Gestade, in the...

Inauguration of the Bernhard Häring Hall in Madrid

On June 7 of this year, the Bernhard Häring Hall was inaugurated, in homage and grateful memory of our great moral theologian.

First Meeting of the Young Redemptorists of Central America and the...

The future Unit for Central America and the Caribbean, from June 5 to 9, 2023, opened another strengthening link that benefits the...

Preparation for the Season of Creation 2023

The Season of Creation is an annual Christian celebration that invites us to pray and respond as a global family to the cry...

Joint Novitiate at Kunnambetta, Kerala

(India) Redemptorists in India witnessed another historical event on 9th June 2023. It was the day of the inauguration of the Joint...

A Sea Procession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Kalandagan,...

From the Diary of the Redemptorist Popular Mission Our journey commenced early in the morning, at 5:30 a.m....

Lucy, a lay Missionary from Baltimore Province shares her initial experiences...

When in Rome... Family is at the heart of an Italian’s life and is one of the most essential characteristics of Italian culture...

Final Professions at Mt St. Alphonsus in Bangalore, India

The Province of Bangalore and the Vice Province of Majella A big “yes” to the call to be...

Life of a disobedient prophet

- From Alphonsian Academy blog - Don Lorenzo Milani, was born and died in Florence, 27-05-1923; 26-06-1967. A...