Celebration of the 60 years of the San Clemente María Hofbauer Redemptorist Seminary School in Manizales


(Colombia) The Redemptorist Seminary College celebrated its 60th anniversary with the enthusiasm generated by the celebration of life, and it is precisely what was experienced from August 15 to 19 at the RSC. Various activities were planned that were led by the different academic areas of the institution, through which the creativity, interdisciplinarity, the high sense of belonging, and above all the expression of the joy and pride of the students, teachers, and parents of being part of this history became evident.

“We give you thanks, O God, we give you thanks and we call on your name; everyone talks about your mighty works! (Psalm 75:1)

When celebrating these 60 years of formative presence of the Redemptorist Community in the educational field of the city of Manizales it is appropriate to join the psalmist in giving thanks to God for the inspiration He gave the Redemptorist Missionaries to build this work, which with the contribution of all those who have been directing its processes through these years, has managed to overcome difficulties, assume changes, enjoy achievements and respond to the demands of the society today.

Our celebration began on August 15 with the Holy Eucharist, thanksgiving par excellence,  presided over by Monsignor Francisco Antonio Ceballos Escobar, accompanied by Monsignor Fernán Llano, Vicar of the Archdiocese of Manizales, Fr. Luis Carlos Jaime Murillo, Provincial of Colombia of the Community of Redemptorist Missionaries, Fathers Héctor Bonilla James, Pedro Ignacio Jaimes Hernández, Provincial Councilor, Carlos Darwin Rojas Medina, Vice-Rector of San Alfonso University, Joaquín Carreño Remolina, Chaplain and Vice-Rector, Oscar Gerardo Gómez Vargas, Vocational promoter, Rectors of CONACED schools.

At the end of the Eucharist, the Rector, Father José Antonio Rincón Ochoa, in the company of the Redemptorist Priests who have been rectors over the years, honored the officials who have remained in the institution the longest. Next, a commemorative event was held where the work of the Rectors who have been builders of what the institution is today was praised and they were presented with a plaque in gratitude for their contribution to institutional management. The school symphonic band participated presenting a beautiful concert. The day ended with a lunch offered by the community to all the guests.

On August 16, different cultural and academic exhibitions were held where meaningful learning took precedence, through the event called “Colombianness”, the mathematical labyrinth, tongue twisters, crossword puzzles, hieroglyphics, and a spelling contest, activities led by the areas of Social Sciences, Spanish and Mathematics.  

Wednesday, August 17, was dedicated to the “Explore, Create and Undertake” project, evidence of the institutional commitment to training for life, and promoting science, technology, and entrepreneurship.

On August 18, the great 60-year procession took place, where the school walked through the streets of the city making its institutional identity visible, with the participation of the entire Educational Community. Likewise, at night there was a celebration with the graduates, a meeting of great significance for the institution since they were the ones who bear witness to the training they have received during this decisive cycle in their academic life.

This great event culminated with the parents’ meeting, which was called “Night of Love for the School”, an event led by the representatives of the Parents’ Council, who decided to express the educational process of their children.

A blessed year that remains inscribed not only on the pages of institutional history but also, more importantly, in the minds and hearts of all the people who are part of this wonderful Redemptorist family. As the author Mario Benedetti expresses “Time is not something that can be measured by its extension, but by its intensity. Always, it is specific moments that define an entire life. The rest are echoes of those moments.”

Father José Antonio Rincón Ochoa