Pastoral Missionary Discernement Day 2023


We, the Redemptorist Formation Community in Davao, Philippines, led by the Pastoral Committee, gathered and devoted time for an afternoon-long day of discernment on 27 August 2023. Our facilitator, Mr. Belindo Aguilar, guided us through how we, as a community to pray, discern, and articulate the promptings of the Spirit and how we adequately and profoundly respond to the call/signs of our time. According to him, such would only be feasible if we do so prayerfully and reflectively. He added that part of such discernment is paying attention to and considering the locus and social climate of our pastoral engagements – both the religious, social, economic, political, cultural, and ecological setting – considering the existential realities of time and place. It is so, according to him, because formation happens within the world; not outside of it. That our pastoral skills and theological learnings must always and everywhere be applied in and stream from our experiences and to the people. It is hence our concrete and unconditional response to the immense faith in the Lord who calls us – the Author of our missionary vocation.

The program culminated by way of sharing how we, as a batch, can rekindle our missionary zeal and vigor; how we can fortify collaborations in mission through lay active and conscious engagements; how we can actualize most simply our theological training and skills through pastoral creativity and initiatives, especially to the poor and marginalized, who, according to the Redemptorist Constitutions no. 5 are the very reason why the Congregation exists in the Church, and is the badge of its fidelity to the vocation it has received. May our love and devotion to Christ stir us to faithful service and never lose sight of the poor and most abandoned! Most Holy Redeemer, have mercy on us. Our Mother of Perpetual Help, intercede for us. St. Alphonsus, pray for us.

Bro. Jenel Tismo, C.Ss. R.,
A second-year Theology student in the Province of Cebu