An Assembly of Election and its foundation of the New Province of Brasilia


The Assembly of election, foundation and beginning of the new Province of Brasilia, was held made up of the former Vice Provinces of: Fortaleza and Recife and by the Province of Goiás, since September 25 at the “Don Luciano Méndez de Almeida” Retreat House of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil in the city of Brasilia.

Present at the assembly are around 150 Redemptorist Missionaries from the older units, Fr. Rogério Gomes, Superior General, Fr. Jairo Díaz, General Councilor, Fr. Marcelo Araújo, Coordinator of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean and Father José Carlos Linhares, Attorney General.

Each of the activities and sessions has been marked by an atmosphere of fraternity, joy, and hope. In the opening session, Father Rogério Gomes invited all participants to live this historical moment with great openness to the Spirit, with enthusiasm and without being afraid of the new realities that as a Congregation are being carried forward. Likewise, Father Marcelo Araújo highlighted the journey made by the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean in the process of restructuring and reconfiguration in the units of Brazil.

The opening celebration was preceded by the Eucharist celebrated in the Cathedral of Brasilia Our Lady of Aparecida and presided over by Cardinal-Archbishop Paulo César Costa, concelebrated by the members of the General Government and by all the participants in the assembly. In his homily, the Cardinal invited the Redemptorists to be builders of the human temple, to be missionaries for the people who need them and to serve with missionary dynamism in the places where the Lord calls them.

On the second day, there was a day of spiritual orientation by Sister. Suelo Belloto, from the Congregation of Saint Agustín, focused on the need to be leaders from the care of others as a manifestation of following Jesus, as well as letting the Spirit act to choose those who, beyond power, can serve, accompany, and walk with his brothers in the missionary project of the New Unity.

After this special moment of prayer and reflection, the elections began, first, for Provincial Superior, with Father Joao Paulo Santos being elected; then the election for the Ordinary Council, being elected: Fr. Tiago Hebert, Fr. Tiago de Melo, Fr. Reinaldo Martins and Brother Marcos Vinicius. Finally, the election for the Extraordinary Council was carried out, and the following were elected: Fr. José Rinaldo and Fr. Piter John.

The other activities of the assembly were carried out through videos and reports from each of the units about their places of mission and works of apostolate. The Eucharistic celebrations helped to welcome with hope the historical moment that the new unit is experiencing, The times of prayer and fraternal sharing manifested signs of spirituality and fraternal life in the community. In this way, the process of restructuring and reconfiguration for the mission in the Congregation continues.

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