Praying Rosary, we support the Redemptorist Missionary Vocations


It was the tenth time, this time at the throne of Our Lady of Tuchów, Poland, that the “family” of the Rosary Work for Supporting of the Redemptorist Vocations met. Our Work has been going on for ten years, and during this time, there have been more than 2.500 people praying for vocations to the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer from various parts of Poland and abroad. Due to our small anniversary, this year’s convention was remarkable, with 45 participants. For four days (October 5-8, 2023), our spiritual guide was Fr. Luke Drożak CSsR, prefect of the Postulancy.

Each evening, together with parishioners and pilgrims, we participated in the prayer of the Rosary next to the shrine. On Saturday, Fr. Andrzej Skoczeń, CSsR, recently residing in Tuchów, shared the testimony of his vocation and experience of working in Brazil was shared with us.

At the end of the retreat, on Sunday, we took part in the Holy Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Tuchów, presided by Fr. Provincial Dariusz Paszyński CSsR. At the end of the Eucharist, Fr. Dariusz read out a prayer of thanksgiving for the Work and entrusted to Our Lady of Tuchów this Work and the matter of vocations to our Congregation.

On that day, we were also visited by our students of the Major Seminary of the Redemptorist in Cracow. Each participant received from the hands of Fr. Provincial a diploma prepared on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the RDWPR.

The Redemptorist Rosary Vocations Support Work is a spiritual community of the faithful, who, through the prayer of the Rosary, ask for the grace of new priestly and religious vocations to the Redemptorist Congregation.

Members of the community commit themselves to:

– to pray one part of the Rosary once a week for the intention of vocations to the Redemptorists;

– to pray the Prayer for Vocations to the Redemptorist Congregation once a week;

– participate once a month in the Eucharist and offer Holy Communion for the intention of vocations to the Congregation;

For all members of the of the Rosary Work for Supporting the Redemptorist Vocations, the Eucharist is celebrated every first Thursday of the month, and their intentions are included in the daily prayers of the Redemptorists.

Fr. Artur Pruś, CSsR,
vocational director, Tuchów