The Elective Assembly of Brasilia has concluded – Beginning of a New Unity


In an atmosphere of joy, brotherhood and hope, the Brasilia Assembly concluded in which the new Provincial Government was elected.

The closing ceremony took place in the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Brasilia, presided over by the Superior General, Fr. Rogério Gomes. Accompanying the fathers were Jairo Díaz, General Councilor, Marcelo Araújo, Coordinator of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean and José Carlos Linhares, Procurator General. Likewise, all the Redemptorist Missionaries were present: priests, brothers, and seminarians, who are part of the new Unit, lay associates and collaborators of the Redemptorist mission and some members of the civil authorities of the region.

In the homily, Father Rogério Gomes invited all the members of the new unit to work as a missionary body in the evangelization, with a missionary spirit, of the Northeast and Central Brazil in each of the local communities that are part of the new Province.

At the end of the homily and after the reading of the decree of erection of the new unit, Father Joao Paulo Santos took responsibility for his ministry as the first Provincial Superior of Brasilia, together with the members of his Ordinary and Extraordinary Council.

At the end of the celebration, the new provincial thanked everyone for the support, closeness, and trust placed in him and in his willingness to carry forward the restructuring process for the mission in this portion of the Brazilian Church; In a particular way, he expressed his gratitude to the General Government, to the Procurator General and to each of the confreres who are part of the new unit, whom he will accompany with a spirit of closeness as Father and Pastor.

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