VIII VP Chapter of The Vice Province of Extra Patriam in the United States of America


The Vice Province of Extra Patriam in the USA had its VIII Vice Provincial Chapter at the Mother of Perpetual Help Retreat House in Houston Texas in the USA from the 9th to the 13th of October 2023. 25 Confreres gathered for the Vice Provincial Chapter on whom were 19 voting members, two observers, two General Consultors (Ivel Mendanha and Larry Lujan), the Conference Coordinator Jack Kingsbury and the newly appointed Conference Coordinator Jerome Chavaria who will assume office in January 2024 and one translator.

Fr Dominic Lang the Vice Provincial opened the chapter with the inaugural mass of the Holy Spirit at which Fr Jack Kingsbury preached about the need for Discernment and openness to the Holy Spirit in the process of discernment. The Day of Recollection was preached by Fr Ivel and Bro Larry on the themes of Redemptorist Mission and Redemptorist Consecrated Life. Fr Ivel presided at the Eucharist and Fr Jerome Chavaria preached on the importance of being ready to leave one’s comfort zones to give oneself for the mission of the Congregation. Fr Dominic Long, the Vice Provincial presented the State of the Vice Province Report which was discussed and reflected upon.

The discussions and sharing were open and frank with the ability to reflect on the issues facing the Vice Province as well as looking ahead in terms of living Consecrated life as Redemptorists today. The Vice Province chose to reflect on important matters concerning Restructuring and Reconfiguration in the context of both the internal life of the Vice Province as well as being part of the Conference of North America especially regarding Common Formation and participating in the Conference.

The Chapter concluded with voting on the important decisions, a message of Hope and Courage from Fr Ivel Mendanha to the Vice-Province and an expression of gratitude from the Vice Provincial, Fr Dominic Long. The Closing Eucharist was celebrated by Fr Michael Luan Nguyen, the silver jubilarian with a message from Fr Joseph Bau Chau the founding member and oldest member of the Vice Province.

Fr. Ivel Mendanha, CSSR.
Consultor General