Paraguay: Priestly ordination of Simeon Saucedo CSSR


With faith and joy, on Saturday 2 December, at 6:00 pm (Brazil time) and 7:00 pm (Paraguay time), we celebrated the presbyteral ordination of deacon Simeon Saucedo CSSR, with the imposition of hands and the supplication for ordination of His Excellency Mons. Henrique Aparecido Lima CSsR, Bishop of the Diocese of Dourados MS the parish of São José de Ponta Porã (Brazil).

His first Mass was on Sunday 3 December at the Parish of Perpetual Help of Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay) at 10:00 (Paraguay time) and 09:00 (Brazil time).
Let us unite in prayer for the new Redemptorist priest so that he may serve as an example to the younger ones, so that they too dare to say “Yes” to God’s call.

Simeon Saucedo CSSR made his final profession as a member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on Saturday 15 April this year. The profession took place during the celebration of the Holy Mass presided over by the provincial superior, Rev. Fr. Osvaldo Duarte CSsR.
You can read more about the profession here: “Paraguay, Perpetual Profession of Simeon Saucedo”

Fr. Leonardo Valdez CSSR