Province of Curitiba: The new Redemptorist unit in Brazil


Campo Grande, Manaus and Porto Alegre form the province of Curitiba. There are 126 religious gathered at the retreat house of the Sisters of Divine Providence, in Curitiba/PR, from 4 to 8 December to celebrate the inaugural assembly of the new province of Curitiba. Meetings, scrutiny and fraternal coexistence marked the meeting.

The first day was characterized by the arrival of the missionaries, with fraternal coexistence throughout the afternoon and evening. On the second day, after mass, the opening was given by the superior general of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Father Rogério Gomes, CSsR. Father Rogério underlined the importance of union between members, to grow together in the charism, in the Spirit and in Christ. With the joy of being present at the meeting, Father Rogério also affirmed the commitment of the General Government in encouraging the Provinces. “Let it truly be a Kairos, a moment of mutual learning. The spirit of the first reading places us in this openness to this grace of God, in the common journey of our Congregation. We have a very great evangelizing force, but we cannot fragment ourselves, because this weakens us. Returning to the originality of our charism, it constitutes us brothers, people who carry forward not simply a legacy, but an action of the Holy Spirit,” he commented.

In addition to the parishes and sanctuaries for which the Province of Curitiba will be responsible, an extremely important mission is the training of missionaries, in the initial and permanent phase. For this reason, during the assembly, a project for this work front was presented and reflected on.

Father Joaquim Parron, CSsR presented how the houses and their respective phases will be structured. Father Antonio Mello, CSsR presented the Redemptorists with new training perspectives in a project: the creation of the Vocational Animation Service (VAS). During the debates on the topic, the superior general of the congregation, Father Rogério Gomes, CSsR, presented a concern for the General Government, and perseverance, which is linked to formation, vocational promotion and ongoing formation.

The Province of Curitiba, through the Commission for Evangelization, presented the apostolic and missionary priorities this Tuesday 5 December, during the founding assembly of the new unit. The objective is to always offer the announcement of the abundant redemption in Christ, through explicit preaching, evangelical charity, pastoral goodness and missionary solidarity.

He also presented the pastoral emergencies in the Province of Curitiba. These include understanding the context of such violent and corrupt societies; the reality of ethical-moral relativism and the rapid process of secularization; people excluded from society and forgotten by the Church.

Brother José Paulo Santos, CSsR /Scala News

In the following days, the members of the provincial government were elected: