Scala News opens WhatsApp channel


It is now possible to follow Scala News through WhatsApp channels in English – Spanish – Italian.

We are Missionaries of hope, in the footsteps of the Redeemer and every day we must live our apostolic life in a change of era. Upon receiving the Final Document of the XXVI General Chapter, all the Redemptorists asked themselves: What elements present help us to work to deepen our identity, mission, consecrated life, initial and ongoing formation and our leadership at all levels?
One of these elements is communication, which is why for us it is important to make known and communicate the testimony of our mission and the abundant redemption with the means we have. Sharing the truth will always be one of our goals as children of St. Alphonsus.

WhatsApp channels are a new WhatsApp tool for disseminating updates and news.
From December 1st Scala News offers its readers this new tool in three languages: English, Spanish and Italian.
Below you can choose which channel to follow to stay updated on news and innovations from the Redemptorist World.

Scala News – Italian:

Scala News – English:

Scala News – Spanish: