First Profession of six Redemptorists in the Province of Brasilia


On the morning of January 20, 2024, at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Church, Lago Sul, Brasilia-DF, the Province of Brasilia joyfully celebrated the First Religious Profession of six young people, namely:
Edivan José, CSsR ( Tupanatinga-PE)
Alyson Moisés, CSsR (Teresina-PI)
Flávio Rodrigues, CSsR (Vitorino Freire-MA)
Daniel Oliveira, CSsR (Brasilia-DF)
Afonso Joaquim, CSsR (Ilha das Flores-SE)
Eduardo Pimentel, CSsR (Angelim- PE)

The Holy Mass was presided over by the Provincial Superior Fr. João Paulo, CSsR, and concelebrated by other priests.
It is important to highlight the presence of a significant number of confreres from various religious communities of the Province of Brasilia and the Province of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, relatives of the professed, friends and parishioners of Lago Sul.

The new Missionaries will live in the Redemptorist Community Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro, Madalena, Recife-PE. Next month they will begin the Theology course at the Catholic University of Pernambuco-Unicap.

Let us pray for the perseverance of each of them, and ask God to continue sending workers into his vineyard.
Congratulations, brothers.

Jefferson Murilo, CSsR.
Director of Communications