Indonesia: Two New Parishes in Borneo


At the end of 2023, the Indonesian Redemptorist Province inaugurated two parishes, which will become the new missions for the land of Borneo. Our mission is in the Diocese of Ketapang, West Kalimantan Province. Terusan Parish was inaugurated on December 28 2023, and three days later, to be precise, on December 31 2023, Riam City Parish. These two parishes were inaugurated by the Bishop of Ketapang, Mgr. Pius Riana Prapdi.

Fr. Jack Umbu Warata, Provincial and Fr. Donie Kleden, a provincial council member, attended the inauguration of the Riam Kota Parish. On that occasion, the provincial and the bishop also signed a memorandum of understanding between the Indonesian Province and the Katapang diocese.

Ketapang Diocese is the second diocese in our mission area on the island of Borneo. Previously, we had our mission in the Palangkaraya diocese in Central Kalimantan Province, namely Sukamara Parish and Kudangan Parish. We have served this diocese since 2008.

Some notes about these two new parishes. Maria Ratu Rosari Riam Kota Parish is located in the Jelai Hulu sub-district, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan. Before becoming a parish, this area was still part of Tanjung Parish. Fr. Heribert Fred Yabid Bora CssR was our first missionary to arrive at this place. He was the first person to introduce our mission there.

Then, on March 2, 2021, it was ratified as a Quasi Parish. Fr. Fred Yabid Bora CSSR and Fr. Yolus CSSR are our missionaries who are pioneers there. Currently, Fr. Marsel Lelu Lede has become pastor and Fr. Antony Koten is his associate pastor. There are 14 stations served.

Meanwhile, St. Paul Terusan Parish is in the same diocese and main parish as Riam. It is located in the Manis Mata sub-district. On March 2 2021, this area was officially declared a quasi-parish. Fr. Fransiskus Labi Bataona, CSsR, became the first priest to live and become rich there. In 2023, he will have a partner pastor, namely FR. Noven Lalo CSSR.

That’s a little story about our two new mission sites in the lands of the Dayak tribes. Of course, they are not alone. There are many migrants from other tribes, such as Batak, Flores and Javanese, who have now settled there and become part of our ministry.

May the spirit of mercy, repentance and abundant redemption continue to be experienced by us and all of God’s people whom we serve. Be a missionary of hope.

Fr. Willy Ng Pala CSsR