The Second Novitiate begins in Colombia


The Second Novitiate, a period of preparation for the perpetual profession, began last Monday, January 8, in Piedecuesta, Colombia, with the opening Mass presided over by the Novice Master, Father Ronaldo Mendonça, C.Ss.R., from the Province of Curitiba, and concelebrated by the Fathers Carlos Pérez Trivino, C.Ss.R, of the Pedro Donders Province, and Fábio Cárdenas, C.Ss.R, of the Andean-Caribbean Province. The Redemptorist Missionaries from Casa Mantilla and also young people from the San Alfonso Novitiate were present.

Lasting 40 days, the preparation course for Perpetual Vows brings together 19 juniors from various Redemptorist Units in Latin America and the Caribbean. From the Nossa Senhora Aparecida Province, Fr. Tiago Costa, C.Ss.R., Fr. Guilherme Dias, C.Ss.R. and Fr. Joílson Ramos, C.Ss.R participate in this formative stage.

Until February 18, young people will deepen their experiences as consecrated Redemptorists and dedicate themselves more intensely to their vocation, resuming important elements of the Redemptorist mission and spirituality. The course aims to help juniors prepare a personal and existential synthesis of their lives, encourage integration with the Redemptorist charisma and strengthen missionary dynamism.

We pray for the spiritual journey of the young Redemptorists to continue to grow in the spirit of St Alphonsus, and may Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help, intercede for them.
