Family gathering of the Redemptorists in Hanoi, Vietnam


On Monday, January 29th, the parents, and relatives of the Redemptorists in the North of VIETNAM held an end-of-year gathering and celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass. The lunar new year (TẾT- in Vietnamese) will be celebrated on Feb 9, 2024.

This year’s Tet gathering had more than one hundred parents, siblings, nephews, and nieces from the families of priests, brothers, postulants, and aspirants. The gathering was also attended by Father Vinhson Pham Cao Quy, Provincial Consultor; Father Dominic Nguyen Van Huyen, along with some members of Phu Tao Parish, Hai Duong; Father Joseph Nguyen Duc Hanh of the French Province; some professors of St. Alphonsus Academy, and seminarians who travelled from the South of Vietnam to the North to celebrate Tet.

During the gathering, Father Joseph Nguyen Van Hoi, Superior of the Redemptorist Monastery in Hanoi and Father Joseph Tran Van Hung, Vice Superior, shared with the parents the bonding of family spirit of the Redemptorists. The connection between the Redemptorists with their relatives, Parents, and siblings as one family is a source of support for those living the religious life. Prayers and encouragement help their sons to dedicate themselves to the call that God has given them.

The Tet gathering of families at the Redemptorist Monastery in Hanoi has been taking place for many years. This is an opportunity for families of the Redemptorists to get to know each other and connect with each other and with the Monastery.

Besides the pastoral work of the Redemptorists, the Hanoi Redemptorist Monastery is also one of the initial vocation centres for the Congregation. Currently, about fifteen aspirants are discerning their vocation to the Redemptorists and Father John Nguyen Duc Phu is the Director of Aspirants. Those aspirants are also pursuing bachelor’s degrees in different majors at many universities in Hanoi.

Thai Ha Communications.
Translated by, Duc Trung VU, CSsR