Online Meeting of Redemptorist Educational Institutions on 29 February @ 2 pm


Redemptorist Education and Charism Today

Father General addresses this open invitation to all confreres and lay people (Academic Directors – Coordinators – Teachers) who work in the Redemptorist Educational Institutions: Schools and Colleges.

“Our colleges and schools are houses of Redemption, to foster spaces for formative dialogue and places where we can evangelize in the plurality of ideas, starting from the foundations of the Gospel, without imposing them or proselytizing. It is an opportunity to meet children, adolescents and young people, with their joys and their sorrows, a group in which the Church does not have much capacity or language favorable to dialogue with them”. Letter from Fr Rogério Gomes to Educational Institutions” (09-02-2024)

Date: Thursday, 29 February 2024

Time: 14:00 (Rome time)

The Zoom link will be sent to Provincial Superiors or contact the General Secretariat: