Fr General’s visit to Bangalore in India

Meeting with all the confreres at NSK

The first week of March 2024 was a special week for the confreres in Bangalore. Fr. Superior General Rogério Gomes, C.SS.R, made a visit to Bangalore for the meeting of the Joint Councils of the 3 units, which was held at Nava Spoorthi Kendra, the Pastoral Centre of the Province of Bangalore. Fr. General took this opportunity to visit the two houses of Formation in Bangalore. He visited and addressed the Theology Students at Mt. St. Alphonsus, which is the Common Theologate of the 3 Units in India. There are 24 Redemptorist Students studying Theology from the 3 Units at Mt. St. Alphonsus. After addressing the students and encouraging them to live their Religious Consecration with joy and fervour, he answered many of their questions regarding Consecrated life today and the vocation of the Redemptorist Brother today. Fr Rogério was accompanied by Frs. Ivel and Paul (General Consultors from Asia) and Fr Yoakim Ndelo, the Conference Coordinator of Asia Oceania. He then presided at the Eucharistic Celebration with the Staff and the Students of Mt St. Alphonsus followed by dinner.

Fr. Rogério and Fr. Ivel visited Sadupadesa College and community, the formation house for candidates and interacted with 25 of the young candidates and encouraged them as they learn about the charism of the Congregation and in their journey as formandi. He also met with the community over dinner.

Fr. Rogério and Fr. Ivel also visited the Redemptorist Media Centre in Bangalore and interacted with the Confreres, Lay Collaborators and staff of the Centre and encouraged them to keep up the spirit with which they work in proclaiming Good News through media today.

Fr. Rogério, Frs. Ivel, Paul and Kimi also visited St. Gerard’s community and interacted with the elderly confreres of the province of Bangalore.

The Highlight of the time in India was the meeting of the Councils of the 3 Units in India along with Frs. Ivel, Paul (General Consultors) and Fr Kimi (Conference Coordinator of Asia Oceania).

Fr. Rogério also had a morning with all the formators of all the 3 Units in India, where he addressed the formators and spoke of the qualities necessary today as a formator as well as the challenges in formation today. He emphasised that Formation is mission in the Congregation. Fr Paul, the General Consultor in charge of Formation, also addressed Formators and encouraged them in their mission while emphasising the need to focus on Redemptorist Formation.

Fr. Rogério also visited St. Alphonsus Educational Academy, the school and junior college for the poor children of the slums. He spoke to both the staff and management about the value of wholesome education and encouraged the students in the pursuit of their goals. The students presented a variety of dances and felicitated Fr Rogério and the General Consultors and the Conference Coordinator.

Fr Rogério concluded his visit to Bangalore with a meeting with all the confreres, students, candidates, Lay Partners for the mission and sisters associated with the Redemptorist Mission in Bangalore. There were confreres present from all 3 Units in India who had come for this special meeting with Fr General, the two consultors and the Coordinator of the Conference. Fr Rogério, during this meeting, spoke about the gifts we receive as Redemptorists: The gift of life, the gift of our vocation, the gift of our consecrated life, the gift of mission, the gift of the spiritual life, the gift of ongoing formation and the gift of perseverance. He then celebrated the Eucharist with all the confreres. Following the Eucharist Fr General, the Consultors, the Conference Coordinator, and the Superior General of the Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour were felicitated. Fr. Rogério concluded his first-ever visit to India with gratitude for the hospitality he received and with encouragement to the confreres and lay partners to celebrate joyfully the gift of consecrated life and to move forward with courage living the mission of the Congregation in India.

 Joseph Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R.
General Consultor