“It is time to feel the presence of God”: Redemptorist Mission in Belize


The Redemptorist Mission in Belize was carried out from 11 to 25 February in the Santa Cruz, San Juan, Cowpén and Bella Vista sectors of the Sacred Heart parish in Dangriga.

In no. 7 of our Constitution, on the work of evangelization, we read: “Therefore try to meet the Lord where He is already present and acts in a mysterious way.”  Christ is already present, but it was necessary to discover him, feel him and welcome his loving, merciful and mysterious presence.

They were days of intense presence of God and manifestation of his love and mercy, days that could be defined as transfiguration, similar to that told in the gospel of the second Sunday of Lent. For these sectors, the mission was like climbing a mountain and being transfigured with Jesus, taking the energy necessary to continue the path of faith with the strength and grace of the Holy Spirit. It was not a bush fire, but rather the ignition of the flame of the Spirit to complete the commitment acquired in baptism.

During these days of missionary experience, various activities took place that reflected the presence of God and his love in the midst of the community. The mornings began with the recitation of the Holy Rosary and the celebration of the Eucharist or the Word, followed by house-to-house visits, listening, encouraging, and announcing the Gospel. In the afternoon, meetings were held with children and young people, as well as family assemblies, where life was shared and community prayer was held.

On weekends, mission closures are held with children and young people and special events are celebrated, such as the enthronement and presentation of the missionary Mother of Perpetual Help, patroness of the Redemptorist mission. The first Sunday was marked by the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, a special moment for those who approach it with faith and trust.

At the end of the mission, testimonies of joy, gratitude and healing were articulated. People expressed feelings of physical and spiritual healing, of finding space to vent, of forgiving and being forgiven, and of experiencing a renewal in their faith and commitment to God. Young people expressed a feeling of being part of God’s family, and they experienced a renewal in their vocation and in their Christian commitment.

These fifteen days were of intense spirituality and meeting with the One who calls us to be saints. All young people who feel the vocational call are encouraged to reach out and explore the Redemptorist community in their country. Do not be afraid. Christ is counting on you and will help you discern his will in your life.

In conclusion, the mission in Belize was a living testimony to the transforming power of the Gospel and the love of God. The missionaries were evangelized by the people of God, and the call to continue to be missionaries of hope resonated strongly in the hearts of all participants.

Danny Calero, C.Ss.R.
Saint Alphonsus House, El Salvador

MREDENTORIST Communications 
Redemptorist Missionaries, Mother Province of Perpetual Help
Central America and the Caribbean