Easter Get-together and the Launching of ASIOC Alphonsian Youth Gathering 2024 in Indonesia


This Easter gathering was held in Weetebula on April 3-4, 2023. It is always exhilarating. Easter gathering is a special time for us every year on the island of Sumba, Indonesia.

As usual, after a tiring Lent and Holy Week in all pastoral units, it was time for us to gather and share our pastoral experiences. Of course, this is a moment to catch our breath. 

This Easter celebration was celebrated at Novena Monastery, the Provincial House. The gathering began with a worship service led by Brother Paul Tukan and an Easter reflection by Fr. Desius Kaki. In his reflection Fr. Sius invited all of us to rise up and have the courage to be sensitive to become apostles of hope. 

The next part of the celebration was the Easter message from Fr. Provincial and the launching of the Asioc Alphonsian Youth Gathering 2024. In his Easter message, Fr. Jack invited the confreres to courageously follow St. Alphonsus’s example and tirelessly proclaim the abundant redemption with a zeal that burns like the disciples. “Be courageous,” he said, following Fr. General.

At the end of his speech, Fr. Jack, together with Fr. Kimy Ndelo, Coordinator of the Asioc Conference, and Fr. Willy Ng Pala, Chairman of the AYG 2024 committee, officially launched the start of AYG preparation in redemptorist communities and parishes on the island of Sumba.

In his message, Fr. Kimy, the ASIAOC conference coordinator, invited all confreres to give the best of their qualities so that this gathering will be memorable and bear useful fruit for all of us.

“I invite all organizers and confreres to give serious attention and prepare this AYG meticulously so that all of us can celebrate with a joyful heart. Make sure that all preparations are well planned and monitored. Thank you to the province of Indonesia for being willing to host this first AYG”, he said.

Bishop Edmund Woga attended the Easter Gathering. Also present were 5 OSR sisters who will start their work on the island of Sumba. Welcome to Sumba!

The whole celebration ended with dinner and recreation together…

Happy Easter

Fr. Willy Pala, CSsR.