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Monthly Archives: April 2024

Redemptorists launch Unity Junction for Migrant Students in the Philippines

The Davao Redemptorist Mission Community (DRMC) have recently launched a new initiative called Unity Junction, a monthly meetup hub designed to create...

The RYVM Youth Animators’ Training Program in the Province of Bangalore,...

As we celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the RYVM secretariat of the Bangalore Province, a four-day youth animators training program was organized...

Holy Week Mission on Detachment in Mexico

Nearly 60 young adults participated in a Holy Week Mission at the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in El Naranjo, San...

“Proclamation and Practice”: Celebrating Davao Formation in Philippines

Formation is the time of life of learning new things and growing in one’s life. It is a life-long process. Br Antony...

Icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help born in Crete?

The icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help was probably painted on the island of Crete sometime in the late 15th century....

Poland: Redemptorist formation days and meetings of those responsible for the...

The annual Redemptorist formation days and the meeting of confreres involved in the pastoral care of children and young people took place...

AI & Ethics

(From the Alphonsian Academy Blog ) The “exciting opportunities and grave risks” that generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) provide, along with...

The Year of Prayer in Southern Albania

The solemn inauguration of the Jubilee 2025 is very close. The months of preparation are passing quickly in this year, 2024, dedicated...

Fr. Rogério Gomes comments on the Theological and Moral aspects of...

Exploring the border between humanity and technology – this is the title of a recent interview with Fr. Gomes published on the...

Easter Get-together and the Launching of ASIOC Alphonsian Youth Gathering 2024...

This Easter gathering was held in Weetebula on April 3-4, 2023. It is always exhilarating. Easter gathering is a special time for us...