Poland: Redemptorist formation days and meetings of those responsible for the pastoral care of children and young people


The annual Redemptorist formation days and the meeting of confreres involved in the pastoral care of children and young people took place in Tuchów from 2 to 6 April 2024. Twenty-five young Redemptorists who work throughout Poland and abroad took part.

The formation days were an excellent opportunity for participants to deepen their knowledge of ministry among younger groups in our Church and society. In the program, there were interesting presentations on the topics given by the experts in moral theology, psychology, psychiatry or communication: “Principles of communication in working with children at different stages of development” (Mrs. Edyta Karasiewicz-Mróz), “Conscious care for ongoing formation” (Fr. Sylwester Cabała CSsR), “Questions of confession” (prof. Edmund Kowalski CSsR), “Persuasive argumentation of the truths of faith” (prof. Janusz Królikowski), “Crisis and risk of suicide among children and young people” (Mrs Maria Sula-Morys), “What do young people experience? How to reach them?” (Dr. Józef Partyka).

The participants took advantage of the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers, trying to get answers to as many doubts as possible and discuss the problems faced in pastoral practice. The meeting with a good number of confreres created an atmosphere conducive to the exchange of a rich spectrum of experiences of working with children and young people.

Furthermore, the days spent in Tuchów were, for the participants, an opportunity for spiritual renewal under the maternal gaze of Our Lady of Tuchów, patroness of priestly and religious vocations, thanks to moments of common prayer and being together with our brothers in vocation.

We hope that the knowledge acquired will serve to announce the Good News to the world!

Fr. Dominik Król, CSsR.