Conclusion of the Assembly of the Bolivia-Peru Province in Lima


The Bolivia-Peru Province concluded its Assembly to consolidate the structures of the Restructuring and Reconfiguration process. It occurred in two phases: in Bolivia in Cochabamba (7-10 May) and Peru in Lima (13-17 May).

From 13-17 May, some 42 confreres gathered with the Provincial Government, Fr. César Torres CSsR, Coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Conference, Fr. Enrique López, Vicar of the Pedro Donders Province, and the Redemptorists of Peru in the retreat house “Nuestra Señora del Rosario,” run by the Canonezas de la Cruz Sisters, in Chaclacayo—Lima, Peru.

P. César Torres preached the retreat on the first day of the meeting. He encouraged us to entrust our path to Jesus, for man’s heart traces his path, but the Lord directs his steps. He also made us realise that in this provincial journey, the Lord reveals his plans to us and invites us to be a light to others.

In this Assembly we reflected on the Pastoral Plan of the Province and the General Government document (2019) “Guidelines for maintaining the Redemptorist character in our parishes and shrines”. The various secretariats and commissions presented their projects. They shared their progress: the itinerant missionary team, youth and vocations pastoral work, shared mission, the school commission, evangelisation through social networks and the economy secretariat.

P. Rogério Gomes CSsR, Superior General, invited us to continue our evangelisation commitment and leave our comfort zones to bring hope to the poorest.

P. Enrique López CSsR helped us to reflect on the General Government document and, with his rich experience in the Congregation, motivated us to bring this missionary spirit to our parishes and shrines.

We experienced an atmosphere of recollection in the Eucharist, daily prayers, and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In sharing meals, we experienced fraternity and mutual trust.

We thank everyone for their collaboration and participation in this Assembly to continue building the solid foundations of our province.

We conclude our Assembly with joyful hope in the footsteps of the Redeemer.

P. Grimaldo Garay Zapata CSsR