Four new Redemptorist deacons in Brazil


25 May 2024 was a day of celebration for our Province of Brasilia. During the celebration of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, in the Basilica of the Eternal Father in Trindade (Brazil), brothers Antônio Luis, Eurípedes Junior, Francisco Wallenstein and Valmir Costa were ordained deacons with the imposition of hands and the consecratory prayer of Mgr Danival Milagres, Auxiliary Bishop of Goiânia.

Many were present, including Redemptorists, diocesan priests and religious and family members of the new deacons of the Church, who attended the Mass.

In his homily, Bishop Danival expressed his joy at being able to celebrate the diaconal ordination of these four young men. He emphasised the importance of growing in the grace of religious consecration, always seeking to serve others with joy and generosity. Finally, he explained that the reason for our service is not only in human compensation but in our desire to give ourselves and make others happy through our closeness to the People of God.

João Paolo, our Provincial Superior, expressed his joy to all those who make up the Province of Brasilia in welcoming four more deacons to serve the People of God. He encouraged the new deacons to continue to serve with enthusiasm and dedication, as the Congregation expects much from each of them. Finally, he thanked Bishop Danival for presiding at the Holy Mass and all present for their prayers.

Congratulations to the new deacons of our Province of Brasilia. We pray for their perseverance and for the diaconal ministry they are carrying out in the Church and in the Congregation.

Fr Sidney Martins, CSsR – Prefect of the Liturgy of the Basilica do Divino Pai Eterno.
Deacon Murilo, CSsR – Responsible for Communications.