Italy: Solemn closing of the Marian Month at the Shrine of Bussolengo


This year, to close the Marian month, our Shrine of Bussolengo welcomed Monsignor Alfonso Amarante, Redemptorist Missionary and Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. On the evening of 31 May, he presided at the Eucharist, concelebrated by the entire local redemptorist community, Fr. Antonio Donato, Fr. Augustin Cantù, and Fr. Antonio Pupo, who came from Rome. Also present were the priests of the Bussolengo pastoral unit.

Paying homage to Our Lady were the local authorities, the Municipal Police, the Alpini, the ‘Città di Bussolengo’ band, the various voluntary associations and many faithful who had also flocked from nearby towns.

Bishop Amarante said in his homily that following Mary as she meets Elizabeth and making oneself close to those in need points at the dominant commitment in our lives. There are many challenges of our time, but Our Lady walks with us.

The procession through the city streets was intended to praise and thank the Mother of Perpetual Help for all the graces granted on her intercession and to place us under her protection.

On 1 June, another initiative took place: the Franciscan cloister, in the serene atmosphere of dusk, illuminated by the many lit candles, welcomed a large group of people for the Night of the Shrines.

The calm voice of Fr Daniele Carta, CSsR, rector of the Bussolengo Shrine, guided us through the Gospel meditations. He reflected on prayer as an act of trust with the Father and then recalled the need to forgive to be forgiven in our turn.

The monstrance with Jesus in the Eucharist placed in the centre of the cloister conveyed closeness with the Lord. One felt the mercy and tenderness of this God who puts these words on Isaiah’s lips: “Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord is an everlasting rock”. (Is 26:1-19)

Many thanks to Fr. Daniel for guiding us through these meditations. Also, thanks to all the co-workers for their commitment and dedication in organizing these eventful days.

Noemi Girelli