Poland: Redemptorists commissioned to work in the field of parish missions and retreats


After the two-year formation course at the Pastoral Tirocinium of the Warsaw Province, two Redemptorists, Fr Łukasz Kalisz and Fr Łukasz Baran, received missionary crosses and a blessing for the ministry of missions and retreats.

The Eucharist in the chapel of the religious house in Lublin on 10 June was presided over by Fr Dariusz Paszyński CSsR, the provincial superior. In his homily, he encouraged us to reflect on the first of the eight Beatitudes from the Gospel read on that day: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. A missionary poor in spirit is someone who accepts the truth of the Gospel and is open to the action of God,” said the Provincial.

The two new missionaries have spent the past two years preparing for their ministry through intensive study, pastoral practice and leading retreats. Now, after completing the Pastoral Tirocinium, they will take up their work in popular missions and retreats with renewed enthusiasm and the power of the Holy Spirit, responding to invitations from parishes and pastoral centres.

The Pastoral Tirocinium is one of the ongoing formation instruments of Redemptorists in the Warsaw Province. The two-year formation in the tirocinium includes both theoretical and practical preparation for missionary work. Participants are introduced to the concepts and methodology of the Redemptorist popular mission in Poland; they deepen their knowledge of the Church’s current pastoral needs and the problems of the world today. They also improve their preaching skills and their ability to communicate the word of God in today’s culture.

Fr. Łukasz Baran CSsR,
photo: Fr Mirosław Chmielewski CSsR, Lublin
