Visit of members of the General Government to the Conference Novitiate in Bella Vista, Argentina


Fr Jairo Diaz Rodriguez CSsR, General Consultor for Latin America and the Caribbean Redemptorist Conference, and Fr. Gerardo Hernandez CSsR, Executive Secretary of the General Secretariat for Formation, visited the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novitiate in Bella Vista, Argentina, to give conferences to the novices.

The theme was “Continuing in the footsteps of the Redeemer”. In an open dialogue with the novices about Redemptorist formation, they were able to hear about various perspectives on formation. It is a way for the General Government to be close to the reality of formation and to be present in the formation of the new Redemptorists.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Novitiate is composed of twelve novices from five provinces: Aparecida, Brasilia and Curitiba (Brazil); Andean-Caribbean, Bolivia-Peru and Pedro Donders, whose current master is the Redemptorist missionary, Fr. Marcelo Araújo, and his socius is Fr. Paulo Júnior, both are Brasilian.

On the occasion, Fr. Jairo Rodriguez presented the Redemptorist Formation Plan, as well as took suggestions from the novices on how to work on vocation promotion in a dynamic and innovative way through social media so that the proposal to adhere to the Redemptorist way of life reaches more young people willing to listen to the call of the Redeemer. “The members of the General Government introduced us to the beauty of Redemptorist missionary life in community and the importance of this formative moment to achieve a mature prayer life,” said novice Vitor Wolff.

Fr. Gerardo addressed the theme of initial and ongoing formation, affirming that formation is for life, and that Redemptorists are called to offer their lives in mission through the charism of St. Alphonsus and to correspond to God’s call to each one. The theme presented was based on the Constitutions and Statutes of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, highlighting the ongoing growth in all areas of work and the challenges of personal formation and ongoing community formation.

Finally, he concluded by speaking of community life, an essential law for Redemptorists, highlighting the life of prayer, and that people should seek out Redemptorists, not for working with the media or preaching well, but truly for being men of prayer, men of faith, communicating the Word of God and bringing Jesus Christ to all through their witness.

We are grateful for the presence, fraternity, and moments of sharing and conviviality during these days. We entrust to the Blessed Virgin of Perpetual Help that she may continue to show new ways for formation and vocational promotion, that our Father Founder, St. Alphonsus, and our saints, blessed and martyrs, may continue to intercede for our congregation.

Novice Marcos Roger
Novice Léo Vieira
Sacred Heart of Jesus Novitiate Bella Vista, Argentina