2nd Day of the Alphonsian Youth Day Asia Oceania (AYG 2024)


The 2nd Day of the AYG 2024 was a day of reflection, prayer, sharing, listening and celebration. The day began with prayer and then Fr. Gerard Louis, C.SS.R from Singapore along with Ms Portia a Lay Missionary from the Province of Cebu led the youth in a reflection on their experience of living with families in the various parishes of the Province of Indonesia in Sumba. The group was invited to process their experience through a couple questions: What was your experience living with the families? What did you notice and learn from the families? What touched you during your stay? What do you take back with you in this encounter with the families?

There was time for group discussion and sharing and then an open plenum where representatives from the different groups shared their reflections. There were some participants who came forward to give witness and shared their testimonies in the open plenum.

With lively action songs and singing the session was a time of listening and sharing and yet one of much learning.

After lunch, the group gathered for A TIME OF CATECHESIS. Fr Ivel, General Consultor spoke to the group about the Challenge of St Clement Maria Hofbauer to young people today. He highlighted various aspects of the life of St Clement which have relevance to young people today. For example, the way Clement handled problems and challenges all his life from his childhood, adolescence, youth, as a seminarian and as a Redemptorist Missionary. The way St Clement never let adversity in the mission get him down but chose new ways always to proclaim the Gospel, the way St Clement used Media at the service of the Gospel and finally the way St Clement empowered lay missionaries and young people at the service of the Gospel. Fr Ivel ended with the words of St Clement, “Courage, God is in charge!”

After the talk, there was time for SHARING OF TESTIMONIES from different young people on the importance of family and the transforming effect of family in their lives. The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by the confreres from the Confederation of India. After dinner, there was THE CULTURAL NIGHT with each group from each country showcasing their culture through song and dance. This was a fitting end to a wonderful day of sharing, listening, discussion, prayer and celebration as the group with much energy danced to the music and the rhythms from each culture. Fr General Blessed the group finally and congratulated the participants and organisers for a wonderful day of celebration.

Joseph Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R.
General Consultor