Dominican Republic: First meeting of the animators of the provincial bodies of the Mother of Perpetual Help Province


On the eve of the first anniversary of the founding of the Mother Province of Perpetual Help, the leaders of the different levels of the province met at the House of Saint Gerard Mayela in Cotuí, Dominican Republic, namely; superiors, directors of works, parish priests, presidents of secretariats and the coordinators of the commissions.

From July 1 to 5, in an atmospheric environment on alert for the passage of Hurricane Beryl, the grace of sharing and continuing to strengthen ties between the 35 confreres present from 11 different nationalities did not diminish. The meeting began with a brief experience of reflection on returning to the essential in our ministerial life and on the features of the figure of the pastor in the light of Evangelii Gaudium by Fr. Bernardo Peralta, a diocesan priest of the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana and in ministerial service in Azua. After lunch, psychologist Victoria Dávila presented the importance of knowing our gifts and limits. She concluded her contribution with a sharing in small groups in light of what attitudes, values ​​and actions must be assumed in the face of the provincial reconfiguration. 

In the face of a lively engagement, each of the provincial bodies made known the state of the front entrusted to them by the Provincial Council. Listening to the report of the groups aroused suggestions and contributions among the confreres, fruits of the experiences already lived. The prayer and service distributed among those present strengthened the awareness of living in coherence with the vocational gift received. All this was reinforced by the contributions of our conference coordinator, Fr. César Torres, C.Ss.R. and our general procurator, Fr. José Carlos Junior, C.Ss.R. Enlightened by all that was discussed and heard, the confreres went out with courage to their respective missionary fronts.

Fr. Edgar Luis Torres Santos, C.Ss.R.