Festival of Brotherhood I: First Inter-Provincial Workshop and Retreat of 2024 in Goa, India


The first Inter-Provincial Workshop and Retreat of 2024 took place at Pilar Pilgrim Centre, Pilar, Goa, India, from July 15th to 22nd. Sixty-eight confreres from the Bangalore, Liguori, and Majella units attended this enriching event.

The workshop commenced with a meaningful Eucharistic celebration on July 15th. Fr. Séamus Enright CSsR from Ireland was our resource person. He guided us through the journey of our founder, St. Alphonsus, as he responded to the signs of his times, and how this inspires us to be relevant in our Indian context today. In today’s changing world, we Redemptorists face numerous challenges. To effectively reach out to the people of our times, we must embrace the world of the poor and move to the peripheries. Our saints and blessed have shown us the way. Fr. Séamus emphasized, “The people have not left the church; it is the church that has left the people.”

During the workshop, we explored our Constitutions and shared experiences, discovering ways to create communities of hope. The retreat began with our journey through Emmaus, followed by reflections on various biblical passages, primarily surrounding the birth of Jesus, culminating in Alphonsian preaching.

This gathering was a joyful occasion for the confreres of three units to come together, interact, discuss, and share our common life. The warm hospitality and diverse Goan cuisine added to the attractions of this venue. Overall, it was a joyful experience, a true festival of brotherhood and togetherness. We are grateful to God for bringing us together.

We wish God’s choicest blessings on Fr. Séamus as he travels to Bangalore and Kerala to conduct further workshops and retreats, and we pray for his continued health and happiness.

Fr. Henry Fernandes, CSsR.
Vice-Provincial Superior of the VP of Majella