Italy: The Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at the Sanctuary of Bussolengo


Three days of reflection and prayer, the concert entitled “Yes – Hymn to Hope!” and the solemn Mass on 20 June Sunday, was presided over by Monsignor Domenico Pompili, bishop of Verona, constituted the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at the sanctuary of Bussolengo.

In the Redemptorist community of Bussolengo, these last months of May and June have been characterized by many initiatives. 

The rector, Fr. Daniele, together with his confreres and collaborators, has planned outstanding events that have renewed traditions, but above all have reawakened in the people, that sense of belonging to the Church through participation in celebrations and liturgies.

In preparation for the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, scheduled for Sunday, June 30 this year, a triduum was conducted with the celebration in the Sanctuary of the Via Matris, followed by the recitation of the Holy Rosary and the Eucharistic Celebration.

Mary, with the sweetness of her gaze, seemed to welcome everyone, you could perceive on the faces of the people the joy of being there, at her feet. In pointing out Jesus to us, she herself becomes an accomplice and author of the joy, of that hope that accompanies everyone in the return to their homes. 

Among the many prayer, history, literature, and music events that took place in the Franciscan Cloister (which we are celebrating 400 years of life), on Saturday 29 June the CONCERT of the  T’ho trovato vocal group took place, entitled  “Sì – INNO ALLA SPERANZA!,”  directed by Carlo Bertoni with the consultancy of Guido Cantieri and Roberto Salvan. The vocal group of about 30 music enthusiasts highlighted a spectacular range of vocal power and melody that made the soul vibrate. A true “apotheosis of emotions” that translated into freedom, joy, peace, closeness, love, faith just like the texts presented. One among many: “Stai con me,” a Yes  to life and vocation, which is renewed among the many musical messages and which we want to repeat, because it was beautiful to meet this group whose purpose is to give serenity and joy to everyone.

On Sunday 30th, with the Holy Mass presided over by our bishop of Verona, Mons. Domenico Pompili, the celebrations reached its peak with a large participation of the faithful.

In his homily, the bishop highlighted the strength of faith of the woman in the Gospel who courageously touched Jesus’ garment and is saved. The act of touching gives the sense of help, it tells of the obstinacy of faith and how much the Lord knows our poor humanity. Like Mary, who in all this accompanies us and supports us.

Noemi Girelli
photo: Renzo Quintarelli