Meeting of the Major Superiors of the Conference of Asia Oceania


Bali, Indonesia: 8th to the 11th July 2024

The Major Superiors of the Conference of Asia Oceania met for 4 days from the 8th to the 11th of July 2024 at Bali in Indonesia. Fr Rogerio Gomes, C.Ss.R. Superior General, along with Fr Joseph Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R. and Fr Paul Vinh, C.Ss.R., were present at the meeting. Fr. Rogerio Gomes celebrated the opening mass and emphasised the need to be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit to whom the Congregation belongs as we respond to the challenges and call to be Missionaries of Hope in the Footsteps of the Redeemer. The Provincial of Indonesia, Fr Jack Umbu Warata, C.Ss.R welcomed the group while also thanking the many Provincial superiors who were present at the Alphonsian Youth Gathering in Sumba. Fr Yoakim Ndelo, C.Ss.R (Fr Kimi), the Conference Coordinator, opened the meeting. The opening day was spent in Recollection conducted by Fr Ivel on the theme of Leadership for Mission with a reflection and time for personal prayer and sharing and a final prayer service. Fr Rogerio Gomes’ opening message was filled with both gratitude for the many decisions taken, the work done in the Conference and also called on the Major Superiors to exercise leadership with courage and responsibility for the mission of the Congregation. 

The meeting was facilitated by the Conference Council: Frs. Kimi, Edward, Peter, and Ino. The Agenda for the Meeting contained a variety of topics: Most importantly the work of Conference Coordinator and Council in planning the Secretariats and Commissions of the Conference, the plan to implement the Strategic Plan of the Conference, the Report of the Secretariats and Commissions on their meetings and plan for the sexennium, Presentation by Fr Ivel on the Role of the Conference Coordinator and Council and on the Implementation of the Decisions of the General Chapter as well as the plan for General Visitations in the Conference, Presentation by Fr Paul Vinh on the Formation Evaluation in the Conference, a discussion and sharing on Restructuring and Reconfiguration in the Conference with the sharing on the process by the 3 Confederations of the Conference, the Finance Report of the Conference, the plans for Joint mission with regard to Migrant Ministry in Singapore and a Mission in East Malayasia, the Preparation for Final Profession in the Conference as well as Alphonsian Youth Gathering in the Conference. A number of decisions were taken with regard to these topics, which Fr Kimi detailed at the end of the meeting, which the Conference Coordinator and Council will ensure would be carried out.

The day Eucharist and liturgy and prayers were conducted by the Confederations One, Two and Three, and Fr Kimi celebrated the closing Mass. Fr Rogerio Gomes on behalf of the two Consultors General and the General Council expressed both his hopes and his gratitude for the participation at the meeting as well as the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the Conference moving forward. Fr Jack expressed his gratitude for the participation at the AYG 2024 and Fr Kimi thanked all including Fr David from Thailand the Secretary of the Conference and Fr Hendry the Notary for the Meeting. 

Fr. Joseph Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R.
General Consultor