The Season of Creation (1st of September to 4th of October): TO HOPE AND ACT WITH CREATION


The XXVI General Chapter conceived the image of the missionary of hope who walks in the footsteps of the Redeemer as the paradigm that describes the Redemptorists in today’s world. It is in this world, marked particularly by the climate crisis, that we are called to give an account of the joyful hope that characterizes us (Cf. 1 Pet 3:15; Const. 20).

The Season of Creation comes as an opportunity to undertake an exercise of reimagining the Redemptorist charism, as the Chapter requested, but this time in the face of the current ecological crisis. The Season of Creation is an ecumenical celebration that takes place every year, beginning on September 1 (World Day for the Care of Creation) and extending to October 4 (the feast of St. Francis of Assisi), and seeks to direct the attention of the Christian community to the need for contemplation and action for our Common Home. For the Redemptorist family, the Season of Creation allows us to enter into harmony with the Spirit that continues to enlighten the conscience of believers in the face of the environmental challenge. Likewise, it is an opportunity to recognize that everything and everyone is connected, and thus, united with the ecumenical family, we find ways to heal our relationships, with the Creator and with all of Creation, through prayer, reflection and action.

During this time, Scala News will publish a simple resource for reflection each week that will bring the values ​​of our Redemptorist spirituality into dialogue with current ecological sensitivities. As a Redemptorist family, we believe that the proclamation of the Bountiful Redemption also encompasses and touches our Common Home, our planet Earth with all its living forms and natural processes that support life on it. It is our hope that this time will help us to deepen and articulate new languages, new understandings of the abundant Life of the Redeemer that will ultimately result in concrete actions and behaviors that promote the care of our Common Home.

(From the General Secretariat for Evangelization, General Commission for Social Ministry – Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation)

Scala News

(you may view the older posts on Our Common Home, recipient of abundant Redemption)