A new book by Fr. Dennis J. Billy CSsR entitled, “Holy Exercises: St. Alphonsus de Liguori and the Spirituality of Practice”


Fr. Dennis presents to us a book he has recently published: “Holy Exercises: St. Alphonsus de Liguori and the Spirituality of Practice.”

The purpose of Alphonsian spirituality is to preach the Gospel by our words and actions. The conversion of the world presupposes our own inner conversion of heart which, in turn, presupposes developing heartfelt spiritual practices that make a life of radical personal and communal conversion possible. This book focuses on a number of such practices that Alphonsus found to be helpful aids for his own spiritual journey and that he wished to share with others. They do not take the place of attending Mass and praying the Breviary, but rather complement them by helping us to deepen out love for Christ and walking the way of holiness.

Here’s an endorsement by Bishop Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R.

Once again, Fr. Dennis Billy has captured the heart of St. Alphonsus, the great spiritual master and eminently practical guide to the Christian life. This book will open to readers much more than the teaching of St. Alphonsus. It can open up our call to practice the Christian life according to the heart of Jesus, and to be transformed by his Spirit active in our lives. A rich resource for students of Liguori, but also a treasury of spirituality for preachers, teachers, and all disciples.”

The Most Reverend Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R. (Bishop of Pembroke, Canada)
Former Redemptorist Superior General

Find the Amazon link of the book: SPIRITUAL EXERCISES: St Alphonsus de Liguori and the Spirituality of Practice.