Italy: Commemoration of 550 years since the consecration of the church in Bussolengo


The mission requires dedication and trust in God’s plans – said Fr. Rogério Gomes CSsR in his homily at the Sanctuary of Mother of Perpetual Help in Bussolengo. Last Saturday, September 21, Father General presided over the Holy Mass to commemorate the 550th anniversary of the consecration of the church which later became a Marian sanctuary and a place of pastoral work for the Redemptorists. 

The celebration was attended by a great number of people – parishioners, representatives of the municipal administration, men and women religious, diocesan and Redemptorist priests, among them Fr. Francois Stanula, CSsR., Vicar General and Fr. Sergio Santi CSsR, the new Rector of the sanctuary in Bussolengo. Below is the full text of the homily of the Father General.

Scala News
Photo: Vasco Mantovani

Homily on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the small church on which the sanctuary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is built

Dear Fr. Sergio Santi, I greet all the confreres of this community and Fr. Francisco Stanula, Vicar General, who came to participate in this celebration. 

Dear civil authorities, diocesan priests, men and women religious, 
dear brothers and sisters of this community of Bussolengo and of the other communities present here. 

  1. On this day we celebrate the 550th anniversary of the consecration of the first little church, which took place on September 21, 1474, on which this sanctuary stands. It is a special moment to give thanks as a community of faith belonging to this sanctuary and also as a Redemptorist missionary community for these five and a half centuries of this place of evangelization and welcoming people. The presence of the Redemptorists in Bussolengo, the rich history and art that surround the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help invite us to reflect on perseverance, faith, beauty and commitment in the mission that has been entrusted to us. The arrival of the Redemptorists in Bussolengo, teaches us something very important: God’s mission requires dedication, tenacity and trust in his plans, even in the face of difficulties, thanks to the insistence of Don Giuseppe Turri.
  2. After meeting the Redemptorists in Vienna in 1830, Don Turri was deeply touched by the testimony of St. Clement Maria Hofbauer and the charism of the Congregation founded by St. Alphonsus. Twenty-seven years later, in 1857, Don Turri’s dream came true with the arrival of the Redemptorists in Bussolengo and the inauguration took place on August 2, 1857. Here we can see the strength of a living and persistent faith. He did not give up, despite the years of waiting. This story teaches us that, in our lives, we must persevere in what God puts in our hearts. Often the fruits do not come immediately, but the seed that we plant with faith will grow and produce good fruits in due time, according to God’s plan as the parable of the Sower reminds us (cf. Mt 13:1-8).
  3. Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help began at this shrine on November 28, 1871, when a copy of the icon was brought from Rome. Since then, devotion has grown, and Mary’s presence here has become a sign of hope and continuous help for the faithful. This reminds us that, as missionaries and Christians, we are called to rely on Mary’s constant help. When we face challenges, we must turn to our Mother, knowing that she intercedes for us with her Son.
  4. Before the Redemptorist missionaries, there were the Franciscans. The Redemptorists who renovated the sanctuary in the 1960s took care of Marian devotion and show us how vital it is to have a meeting place, not only physical, but also spiritual. The Redemptorist community, with its mission and spirituality, unites with the people of God around the Mother of Perpetual Help. This leads us to reflect on the importance of communion in our lives. The Church, as a community of believers, is called to be a place where everyone can find support, love and, above all, help in the difficulties of life. So, dear brothers and sisters, make this community a place of welcome for everyone and a space to renew faith and communion with God and with others. The world needs this change. And by living the Gospel in depth, you can contribute to this. As we are reminded in the letter of St. James the Apostle, “the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace” (James 3:18). And it must be a community of peace.
  5. It is important to remember that devotion to Our Lady is not only for moments of despair, but a path of intimacy with Christ. The month of May, dedicated to Mary, with its solemn procession and celebrations around the sanctuary, shows how this devotion unites the community around faith. Mary, as Mother, always leads us to Jesus and teaches us to live our faith in a concrete way, through service, prayer and trust in God.
  6. So, brothers and sisters, looking at the history of the Redemptorists of Bussolengo and the devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we are inspired to cultivate perseverance in our mission, trust in Mary as a mother and the importance of living in community, sharing our faith and walking together in the Christian life. Not that community in which one wants to be greater than the other, but servant of all, as we heard in the Gospel (cf. Mk 9:30-37). 
  7. May the Mother of Perpetual Help, together with Saint Francis, Saint Alphonsus and all the Redemptorist missionaries, help this community of the Shrine of Bussolengo to be a missionary community, which communicates the joy of the Gospel and which is confident because it walks in the footsteps of the Redeemer. So be it!

Fr. Rogério Gomes, C.Ss.R.
Superior General

Bussolengo, September 21, 2024

(The homily is translated from the Italian language)