Nigeria: Preparation for Perpetual Vows of Students from the Vice-Province d’Afrique de l’Ouest and Vice-Province of Nigeria


Twelve Redemptorist students, including eight from the Vice-Province of West Africa and four from the Vice-Province of Nigeria, gathered at Liguori House in Ibadan (Nigeria) for a one-month formation (Second Novitiate) in preparation for their perpetual vows. The formation took place from July 20 to August 20, 2024, and was led by eight Redemptorist confreres from the Vice-Province of Nigeria, along with two lay associates of the Redemptorists (Prof. Catherine Asuzu and Prof. Isaac Ukpokolo). The formation involved a review of various aspects of religious life. The different themes discussed included:

  • History (As a map for an ordered future) – Fr. Godwin Abah C.Ss.R.
  • COREAM and Restructuring: Apostolic priorities
  • Human Dimension (Examining the self for the mission ahead) – Fr. Godfrey C.Ss.R. and layperson Prof. Catherine Asuzu
  • Spiritual Dimension (Redemptorist Spirituality and charism) – Fr. Kingsley Ebhodagbe C.Ss.R., Noel Eshikena C.Ss.R., and Fr. Jude Anyeagbu
  • Pastoral (Plentiful Redemptions) – Fr. Thompson C.Ss.R. and Fr. Joterio C.Ss.R.
  • Intellectual (Signs of the times) – Fr. Williams Ikre C.Ss.R and layperson Prof. Isaac Ukpokolo
  • Community (At the service of the mission) – Fr. Pius Babatunde C.Ss.R.

This time of formation was a moment of meeting, sharing experiences, and fraternity for the students. They actively participated in the formation through questions and exchanges, particularly on issues related to restructuring and reconfiguration, in order to proclaim the Copiosa apud eum Redemptio (with him is plentiful redemption).

Dennis Opoku Kusi, C.Ss.R.