Poland: The superiors of the communities and pastors of the parishes of the Warsaw Province met in Tuchow


The Redemptorist religious house in Tuchów was the venue of the annual meeting of the superiors of the communities and pastors of the Redemptorist parishes of the Redemptorist Province of Warsaw from 23 to 26 September 2024.

During the meeting, among other things, the current affairs of the Congregation and the Province were discussed, preparations were made for the second session of the XVIII Provincial Chapter, a training session was held for superiors and parish priests in relation to the updating of the law on the protection of minors (the so-called Kamilek law), and the safety of electronic communication and the use of the Internet was discussed.

The meeting – both in presence and online – with the provincial government was attended by superiors and parish priests from Poland, as well as confreres representing foreign missions (Grodno, Mosciska, Copenhagen).
