The Ninth Provincial Chapter in the Denver Province in Tucson


Confreres from throughout the Denver Province gathered for the 2024 Provincial Chapter at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson this week.

Br. Larry Luján, General Consultor, led a retreat on Monday entitled “Remembering Who We Are,” inviting members to not be afraid to embrace creative fidelity that makes us faithful to the Spirit. Over the next several days, members addressed a full agenda that included reports, policies and the upcoming unification with other Units in North America and Mexico.

Provincial Superior Kevin Zubel presented a comprehensive look at the state of the Province, reminding those gathered that the Church in the United States still needs Redemptorists. Fr. Noel Eshikena, Vice Provincial Vicar of Nigeria, shared an update on the Vice Province of Nigeria. On behalf of the Vice Province, he thanked the Denver Province for its continued support, and for “sending [our] best men to start the mission in Nigeria.” Presentations also were given by the Office of Financial Services.

Formation, and the Mission Advancement Ministry, encouraging confreres to reflect on the discussions and participate in building long-term relationships with benefactors and partners of our missionary work.

Fr. Greg May and Toni Dunning, Denver Province representative on the Secretariat for Partners in Mission, presented a report on the work of Partners in Mission. “The Redemptorist family is a choice, and we choose you,” Toni said. Revisions to the Praesidium Standards of Accreditation were discussed, as well as updates to the Provincial Statutes, Sabbatical Policy, Finance Policy and the proposed Working Document on Mission Viability.

Fr. Jerome Chavarria, North American Conference Coordinator, shared a look at the current work underway throughout North America.

Progress on the Conference Strategic Plan and updates from the Unification Commission were of particular interest. Confreres enjoyed a productive gathering that fostered collaboration and strategic planning for the future.

Special guests included Fr. Joaquin Fausto, Provincial Superior of Mexico; Fr. Roberto Morales-Guerra, Provincial Vicar of Mexico; and Fr. Dominic Long Nguyen, Vice Provincial of the Extra-Patriam Vice Province. Scott Partin, Student Representative, also received a warm welcome to the gathering.

Fr. Aaron Meszaros, C.Ss.R.

(Facebook: North American Conference of Redemptorists)