Meeting of the Father General with the Redemptorist Oblates


On Saturday, October 5, on the occasion of the liturgical memorial of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, Father General Rogério Gomes held an online meeting with the Redemptorist Oblates from around the world. Redemptorist Oblates are people who, while not officially being part of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, continue to collaborate in various ways with its mission. They can be lay people, religious from other congregations, diocesan priests and even bishops, all committed to living the Redemptorist spirituality and charism.

The meeting was attended by 60 oblates from different parts of the world, who listened to Father General’s message. In his speech, Fr. Gomes expressed deep gratitude for the commitment and love with which the oblates support the mission of the congregation. He urged them to continue to be “missionaries of hope,” recalling that although they do not take vows like professed religious, they are an integral part of the Redemptorist family. He stressed the importance of their collaboration in proclaiming plentiful redemption, especially among the poor and abandoned.

Father General concluded the meeting by reaffirming the charismatic and missionary bond that unites oblates to the congregation, encouraging them to continue living their faith with sincerity and to actively contribute to evangelization.

Finally, Fr. Rogerio thanked all the Oblates and the community was invited to continue to pray for the Redemptorist mission and for those who support it. May Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, continue to protect and guide each of them on their path of service.

Fr. Edward J. Chacón Díaz, C.Ss.R.